1800 NOM-ADS (666 237)

Business Opportunities

It’s important to be in business with people who know the industry inside and out. We have been involved in the tourism and hospitality business for over 20 years and have achieved strong and steady growth through the constantly changing cycles of the tourism industry.

A quick look at our business
  • Over 3000 Beds under management
  • Over 600,000 beds sold annually
  • Strong and sustained relationships with some of the key youth tourism brands
  • Nomads Network partners in over 20 countries around the globe

We want business to be a pleasure and are selective about who we do business with. Nomads sees all business relationships as long-term mutual partnerships which are beneficial for everyone involved.

CCA and Nomads have had a Business Relationship for over 5 years. Nomads have been and are one of the easiest companies we have ever dealt with. They have a fantastic group of hostels in their network and great support staff at head office. Meg and her team do a fantastic job in supporting the network whilst bringing fun into their business. They are open to new ideas which makes them a pleasure to deal with. It is what real partnership is all about

Brett Johansan | National Business Manager – Coca Coca Amatil

Website owned and operated by Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd, registered in Australia ABN: 13 095 555 178. Copyright © 2017 Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd.
Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230
Email: bookings@nomadsworld.com - Tel: 1800 NOMADS (666 237)