1800 NOM-ADS (666 237)

Hostel Management Services

Let us take the daily management off your hands so you can have a passive income.

Nomads first started managing hostels on behalf of property owners in 2000. Since that time we have had an extremely successful track record in the design, start-up and ongoing management of large hostels.

We have managed hostels in Cairns, Kings Cross,Sydney, Auckland, Nadi, Fiji and Wellington on behalf owners, and under many different types of arrangements, for hostels ranging from 150 beds to 500 beds. These can vary from short term management on behalf of receivers or 20 year agreements on behalf of property owners who are looking for a long term passive investment.

How does it work?

As hostel managers we take on all day to day operational responsibilities and report to a Management Committee on a monthly basis that includes the owner. We are responsible for putting together the Business Plan, Marketing Plan and Budget and report on the basis of performance according to those documents.

What’s in it for you

  • The biggest privately owned distribution network in Australia and New Zealand
  • One of the most recognisable Brands in backpacking worldwide
  • A management team with unrivalled experience in developing, operating and marketing to the youth market
  • A large group of professional personnel that you can rely upon
  • Long established Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Human Resources and Operational departments with existing framework, systems and templates
  • All the benefits of being part of the network including group buying discounts
  • Exposure through the Nomads brand

Our management services are right for you if you are a:

  • Building owner looking to convert buildings to a backpacker hostel use.
  • Existing operator looking to step back from operations and have all day to day management to our experienced team.
  • Hotel owners looking to change the operation to focus on youth market and bunk room products.
  • Developers looking to gain maximum return on their sites in key destinations.

We also offer consulting services in certain situations:

  • To Banks and Receivership Managers looking to trade hostels out of receivership or to a sale
  • To developers looking at options for a development site and in need of expert advice and feasibility analysis

Contact us for more information.

Website owned and operated by Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd, registered in Australia ABN: 13 095 555 178. Copyright © 2017 Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd.
Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230
Email: bookings@nomadsworld.com - Tel: 1800 NOMADS (666 237)