1800 NOM-ADS (666 237)


goki app - keyless keys

About Goki App

There are many advantages to using the Goki app over traditional keys, especially now when avoiding contact with items others have handled is paramount to keeping safe.

With Goki you can:

Contactless Check-in – totally Covid-safe

Save time when checking in because you already have your room key

Extend your stay without having to visit reception

Order food with Goki Eats!

Meet other guests staying at the same hostel

Book local experiences

Explore popular destinations, find out who’s there or what’s on

Instead of queuing up to get your room keys when you’ve arrived at one of our hostels after a long journey, with Goki you can download your room key before you arrive. Save yourself time and use the Goki app to meet new friends and see what’s on. If you need any help just message reception rather than coming down to reception to see the staff face to face. You can even extend your stay through Goki rather than coming to reception or even order some food!

If you need more information about how Nomads is keeping you safe during COVID-19 please keep an eye on our COVID-19 updates and information for guests.

covid safe contactless check-in with goki

Website owned and operated by Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd, registered in Australia ABN: 13 095 555 178. Copyright © 2017 Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd.
Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230
Email: bookings@nomadsworld.com - Tel: 1800 NOMADS (666 237)