1800 NOM-ADS (666 237)

Write for us

Submit your videos and travel articles to us!

We accept guest blog submissions and videos. Get your article published on our website and potentially seen by an average of over 200,000 people a month. Published blogs will also be posted on our social media accounts.

Unfortunately we don’t discuss potential topics as we don’t have the time due to the volume of blog submissions we receive.

Accepted Topics
We only accept travel related content. Location based content is more likely to be accepted if it is Australia / New Zealand based. Or if it is a general travel related article. We provide more details about what to submit after you sign up.

Please note that we retain editorial control on any content submitted. By submitting content to us you confirm that you will not submit it to any other website and that all content submitted (text, images, videos etc) belongs to you.

We welcome content from travel bloggers, vloggers and travel industry partners. If your website or company is not linked to the backpacking industry (Australia, New Zealand, Thailand) then it’s unlikely your submission will be accepted.

Signing up is required to verify your email address and to obtain the submission guidelines. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Not accepted

Links to gambling sites, coupon websites and essay writing services.


Sign up to confirm your email address and to receive our submission guidelines in full.


Website owned and operated by Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd, registered in Australia ABN: 13 095 555 178. Copyright © 2017 Nomads World Hotels Pty Ltd.
Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. PO Box Q139, QVB Sydney NSW 1230
Email: bookings@nomadsworld.com - Tel: 1800 NOMADS (666 237)